Fridays should be taken out of the work week. Add it to Monday, and make sure the rest of your AyreCrew shows up for duty.
Likewise: Anything regarding anything tech should be furloughed to Monday since nobody or fewer still in Tech support is front and centered on Friday's.
If they are answering the phone, it's usually some college kid in a singlewide trailer house, working off his (or her) laptop. Which means not so much data about your sys, is available so you'll end up consulting at minimum, 10 people, that have little if any more knowledge than the rest of the hirelings that work, off a printed call board. If your issue is not on that call board, forget getting the problem solved before Tuesday of next week.
In the end what your used to taking for granted as compooter utilities are not usable at the local Library. So, you need to finger out a work around. Thank goodness us Aviation Technologists have some compooter training skills.
Example: wanted to rework a few graphics for the tango newz. Guess what? Nope. Cain't use my go to pic editor Paint. A simple Windows utility add-on yet no can do. Why? Must be, because of the censorship imposed on the teen users to not download porn.
Simply put, even if you put lipstick on a swine pig, it's still a swine pig. You cain't change that.
So, are you observing the parallels of today's mid-continent war in Europe and the great Israeli/Hamas region?It's easy to say that what they are doing to women and Children there. Still by fictional myth, or historic truth did this nation's domestic union military do any different? Consider the total slaughters of native tribes. It was nothing to learn of Union Army Soldiers wiping out one of their villages or population camps. But hey Humas forget about the kid you just whacked. What about Sherman when he and his war tribe wiped out Atlanta. Talking about the atrocities there? But hey Israel, never mind about you who just shelled a hospital. Or denying food and humanity aid to reach both peoples of that conflict.
About, Such things as censorship. That's going gangbusters since the allowable content that can be read or viewed, by people at the library. Remind you of the book: by Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. To keep the poplus stupid they burned all the books. This nation is under siege, like never before. No political party is excused or exempt, the only return to anything remotely close to a domestic normal, is moving all that is connected to dishonest Abe, and reintroduce our peoples to the discretionary of the Confederacy and Jefferson-Davis. President of the Confederacy from 1860 to 1880.