I do not do well with new wave tech. I can fix military aircraft avionics but I be John brown if I can finger this shit out. I fully realize that Evanston Wyoming isn't a tech area as far as tech geeks are concerned but neither is Twin Falls. Might be time to vcall in the experts from silicon Utah for some big tech know how. We have an account with spotify and two others but I can't remember the blooming passwords to any of them. Add to that. Figuring that the more you fiddle with it the worse it hec9mes as too many turns at bat their A.I shuts you off. Did find my spotify play list but not the one for webcasting. Friday will be c ompletely another day.
Friday for most of us UCSMC Alumni. Mines gone before it even gets deposited. The hurry trip to Utah was okay. Thought for a few hours of staying over with Big Jonny our Syndicates head President but with everything going on, plus all my threads stinking so bad even to me it was my decision to no go. If you fly you know what I mean.
Groovy that the McRibb is back at McDonalds.ɓut couldn't they make thatbslab of pig a bit Biggers? I meat fine the current and connecting pre and post pandemic crap is a factor but dang.
Big Jonny was barking about a email that he got from McDonalds about a Macdonald franchise
That might work but it's not inline of what we as an organization is all about
Since if we do open a eatery somewhere it'll be along the lines of a Bj's Bioux and a Nascar outfit combined with the ambiance of the Sheep's PEN / Reaper. Not some outfit that draws in famndamnlies in. I will never harm a Child but I'll be Cletus Hogg if I want any of the snot nosed rug varmints in a eatery we own. But that's just me, there' the dern 20 million members that have the final say on the matter. All I am is the xo here.