First never ever buy electronics from Walmart. Took only two dang days to find the wireless keyboard the
l farting mic never did. Well more money to drive to Slick City to get what does work. I have cussed Tweaker Flatts before but even they are light-years past this shit hole. No wonder the local music store needs people. Stool there yesterday and still that old Neanderthal still sent me home with the wrong stuff. Damn mic cord ain't even the right one. Sure has the XLR plug just going the wrong way. I'm sure the old mutt tried real hard, but, I think his Forte is herding sheep, not selling tech gear. What a uneducated guy he was. Couldn't even figure out a 15% discount .
Me get job there make heep money there.
Then Nate's 44 is trying to do a trucker radio podcast thing. Wait until she gets stung by the music clearing agencies for playing tunes without copyright or such. We have to pay heep mount money for ours through Seasak and BMI.
SOME just don't learn. So we have to make our testing flyte another night.