Monday, July 29, 2024

Don't ever count her out. Nikita the TV series is in a reboot.

Found out something this morning.  Seams as the gurus at the CW network is in talks with the actors and all on a possible reboot of the hit spyfy series Nikita starring Maggie O. 
Hope so. Seams as though every every guest star and lady roles get sexier every time.  They don't skimp on threads for the babes on there. Maggie O is not hard on the eyes either.
I watch the reruns onTubi for free. Which ya'll can. Just sign up for an account. 
More Ayre newez and Velez in the morning 🌄. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024


For the last several days I have lounging due to a damn MexiCally messing up even more of my paycheck paperwork at the Crisis Center of Twin Falls Idaho.
I take back every bit of handing out compliments of this half way dump off facility in the city.
First Let me say several of the staff are purtty cool peoples. But only 4 out of 10 make the lists of improvement of the place.  So I àm sitting in something called the eating unit after which I meandered to their house computer. Where I was attempting to accessing my Gmail. 
Taking the back gate approach I went to two of my many blog accounts. Here came this thunder butted feminazi who interrupted my efforts to gain access my accounts. Well 10 ton Tessie starts I  on me.
Same fat sow that helped a òvernight male nurse two years ago steal one of my medications.  Promethazine isn't a party medicine it's for allergies and nervous stomach. So I got back in 10 ton Tessis's face. I said I was checking my websites so I could get an important email from H&W In the process of transferring my Medicaid from Wyoming DOFCS to H&W. Will do more on that come Monday. 
The bottom and I really mean BIG BUTT BERTHA has just pasted a big set of cross hairs on her backside that will cost her her job and way of life And that facilities state and federal financial funding. 
In summary 
The Twin Falls Idaho Crisis Center has not really improved its gotten even worse..
Time to clean up house.
the place stinks.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

the things that are about as useful as a bucket under a bull.

First Let me define the terminology here. Yankees and Lincolnites plug you're ears and close your eyes.
Now then. 
I often hear and stupidity of city folk. They all group Bovine's into the same gender and breed. When infsct the situation is not as close as it would seem to appear. 
The ad for the latest Subaru offender. The youth asks if it's a Buffalo.  His young wife replies its a cow. Really? Sure looks  like a fresh cut steer to me. I say this with a tongue in cheek as it shows that the nation is still divided . Not race but location and Demographics. Rural against big city. Farm youth against punks of the city and inner city. The mix is just mixing sour and sweet into a patronizing bunch of glue. Elmer's Glue comes to mind.
Okay I have seen both sides of the Crisis Center of Twin Falls Idaho.  the left hand has no idea of what the right hand is doing.
So they just let it sail in the wind without a rudder. Nor a approachable Skipper.
Next been undated with loan quick places. I needed cash to pay a phone bill that should have been taken out of my bank account automatically.  That's what the idea of AUTO PAY is all about. If there was an intelligent skipper at the helm it should be the clerk at the Evanston Wyoming store's paycheck and at least a reprimand.  Nope I get it Union Wireless of Wyoming is staffed with none techies that simply don't have a clue.
About as useful as a bucket under a bull.
Next the Crisis Center of Twin Falls Idaho.  A crisis to one person is a simple pest mosquito bite to some one else.
If all options on the table of the meeting room are exhausted and you need a bed, shower,and food it's not a Crisis to someone else but it damn well is a Crisis for that person . So your not an aaddaclct or alcoholic. Just a down on your resources block person.  Where do you find a hand up instead of a hard out.
No I am not duplicating slogan of Another druggy housing program center. Nope I take that tag from a Testimony talk at the Wendell Idaho 1st Ward.
A absolute angel of  name of Kathleen said instead of requiring the great Kahless to look down why not take the concept of you looking up?
Again the  Crisis Center of Twin Falls Idaho is as useful as a bucket under a bull.
Real Estate sales are at Stagnant level in the Yankee Union . High prices low new quality construction starts.  Supply and Demand is in a crucial point. The problem is not always in view. The fact is if you are looking for a place. You need a real estate agent.  Don't try to do it by yourself. With that said, make sure it's. A real estate broker that can handle all your needs or provides the complete services that your going to need. Some one that can handle commercial as well as residential properties. 
Do you know now that in Idaho you can't just go and take a gander at a property without a written agreement that is to set a offer on that property.  No longer just kicking the tires you have to have a bonified offer on the table.on that property? You can't just go look and greet. Nope you are now required to have an offer in place.
I know; as useful as a bucket under a bull.
And that's the way it is in AyreWolf Kountry.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

lessons learned are hard.

First never ever buy electronics from Walmart. Took only two dang days to find the wireless keyboard the l farting mic never did.  Well more money to drive to Slick City to get what does work. I  have cussed Tweaker Flatts  before but even they are light-years past this shit hole. No wonder the local music store needs people.  Stool there yesterday and still that old Neanderthal still sent me home with the wrong stuff.  Damn mic cord ain't even the right one. Sure has the XLR plug just going the wrong way. I'm sure the old mutt  tried real hard, but, I think his Forte is herding sheep, not selling tech gear. What a uneducated guy he was. Couldn't even  figure out a 15% discount . 
Me get job there make heep money there.
Then Nate's 44 is trying to do a trucker radio podcast thing. Wait until she gets stung by the music clearing agencies for playing tunes without copyright or such. We have to pay heep mount money for ours through Seasak and BMI.
SOME just don't learn. So we have to make our testing flyte another night. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

my this is getting frustrating. any computer tech need a job?

Can we talk not text but talk now?
I do not do well with new wave tech. I can fix military aircraft avionics but I be John brown if I can finger this shit out. I fully realize that Evanston Wyoming isn't a tech area as far as tech geeks are concerned but neither is Twin Falls. Might be time to vcall in the experts from silicon Utah for some big tech know how. We have an account with spotify and two others but I can't  remember the blooming passwords to any of them. Add to that. Figuring that the more you fiddle with it the worse it hec9mes as too many turns at bat their A.I shuts you off. Did find my spotify play list but not the one for webcasting. Friday will be c ompletely another day.
Friday for most of us UCSMC Alumni. Mines gone before it even gets deposited. The hurry trip to Utah was okay. Thought for a few hours of staying over with Big Jonny our Syndicates head President but with  everything going on, plus all my threads stinking so bad even to me it was my decision to no go. If you fly you know what I mean.
Groovy that the McRibb is back at McDonalds.É“ut couldn't they make thatbslab of pig a bit Biggers? I meat fine the current and connecting pre and post pandemic crap is a factor but dang.
Big Jonny was barking about a email that he got from McDonalds about a Macdonald franchise 
That might work but it's not inline of what we as an organization is all about
Since if we do open a eatery somewhere it'll be along the lines of a Bj's Bioux and a Nascar outfit combined with the ambiance of the Sheep's  PEN / Reaper.  Not some outfit that draws in famndamnlies in. I will never harm a Child but I'll be Cletus Hogg if I want any of the snot nosed rug varmints in a eatery we own. But that's just me, there' the dern 20 million members that have the final say on the matter.  All I am is the xo here.

Friday, October 20, 2023

We don't need any more restrictions to complete our missions


Fridays should be taken out of the work week. Add it to Monday, and make sure the rest of your AyreCrew shows up for duty. 

Likewise: Anything regarding anything tech should be furloughed to Monday since nobody or fewer still in Tech support is front and centered on Friday's.
If they are answering the phone, it's usually some college kid in a singlewide trailer house, working off his (or her) laptop. Which means not so much data about your sys, is available so you'll end up consulting at minimum, 10 people, that have little if any more knowledge than the rest of the hirelings that work, off a printed call board. If your issue is not on that call board, forget getting the problem solved before Tuesday of next week. 
In the end what your used to taking for granted as compooter utilities are not usable at the local Library. So, you need to finger out a work around. Thank goodness us Aviation Technologists have some compooter training skills.
Example: wanted to rework a few graphics for the tango newz. Guess what? Nope. Cain't use my go to pic editor Paint. A simple Windows utility add-on yet no can do. Why? Must be, because of the censorship imposed on the teen users to not download porn. 
Simply put, even if you put lipstick on a swine pig, it's still a swine pig. You cain't change that.

So, are you observing the parallels of today's mid-continent war in Europe and the great Israeli/Hamas region?
It's easy to say that what they are doing to women and Children there. Still by fictional myth, or historic truth did this nation's domestic union military do any different?  Consider the total slaughters of native tribes. It was nothing to learn of Union Army Soldiers wiping out one of their villages or population camps. But hey Humas forget about the kid you just whacked. What about Sherman when he and his war tribe wiped out Atlanta. Talking about the atrocities there? But hey Israel, never mind about you who just shelled a hospital. Or denying food and humanity aid to reach both peoples of that conflict.
About, Such things as censorship. That's going gangbusters since the allowable content that can be read or viewed, by people at the library. Remind you of the book: by Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. To keep the poplus stupid they burned all the books. This nation is under siege, like never before. No political party is excused or exempt, the only return to anything remotely close to a domestic normal, is moving all that is connected to dishonest Abe, and reintroduce our peoples to the discretionary of the Confederacy and Jefferson-Davis. President of the Confederacy from 1860 to 1880. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Not nice to tease the Big Bad Wolf !!


It’s not nice or wise to tease this big bad Wolf. A construction company foreman tried that Monday, but as of today they paid. A total of $250.00 green stamps. Guess they wont just shrug off a home owner saying they broke something due to their carelessness. Now If I’d have just rolled over and played complacent nothing would have happened, but with the growl of this big bad wolf, their insurance company forked over hard cash. Who says ya’ll cain’t win? It just depends on how much one howls. As a gal I knew once said it, its not how many acres you till, it depends on how deep you set the plow. In this case EOC out of Ontario Oregon felt the teeth of the AyreWolf.

Hope ya’ll read the blog on our Ning stealth site. Should ya’ll have questions ya’ll know how to get in touch.

Don’t forget church Saturday, and our meeting this Monday.

Finally and it ain’t me, okay, but Ron told me to pass this on and should you need to reach him, call 208-352-1062, he is the VEEPEE of the ABC’s of Bliss. The ABC’s are taking donations for the Bliss 4th of July Fireworks display. Should you care to, send what you think you can to Ron, and he’ll take care of it. Remember Ron is a former Knytes member and can be trusted.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the day:
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. - Aesop
Psalm 68:4-5“Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds — his name is the LORD— and rejoice before him. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”

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