Monday, May 10, 2010

Be careful your friend might be a competitor


Dig this Wolf Pack, got off the landline with our sales gal at Hulu Sarah. One of her comments was , “ Why aren’t you here selling and creating at Hulu?” That would be fine, except ya’ll know as well as I do, the minute I stepped into her parlor I’d be a marked canine. Reason? Any place that my visual-audio juices are allowed to flow would mean that someone’s business or employment would be threatened. Another example, when I began going towing years ago, as long as I stayed here in the stalled area of the Tragic valley of Idaho they gave me all kinds of advice, the minute I entered into their territory I became a threat and thus not to good a friend, but simply a serious contender for their slice of the pie. The advice sessions became fewer. This scenario can transpire anywhere. If your doing something whether its towing, flying, or hell , even radio or TV. The second you step on the tarmac of your competitor as well as friend, the friendship is tarnished and if you can do what they do, even better than they can for less money, that friendship becomes even more thready and strained. What you do , could get you hired by their firm and they be put on the doorstep. So you become someone that as long as your at a distance , your fine. Step into their neighborhood and your going to be treated with caution to say the least.

Didn’t go to hospital today, shit I slept right through the time I needed to go, but there’s always Tuesday. Thought my arms needed a rest before they poked more holes in them to drain more of my blood.

Next blog; Gayness has become an epidemic and needs to be cured.

L8R Aviators

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Matthew 18:15“[A Brother Who Sins Against You] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.”

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Quote of the day:
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. - James F. Byrnes

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