I get these promptings every once in awhile during sleep to where as much as I’d like to roll over and go back to Kronos the fact is I can’t. Now sitting outside my front door is LexiBelle, who got her name from two sources. One is the lady I had sex with the first time in my life a gal whose name is Alexis or Lexi for short. The other part of LexiBelle’s name is from the name Col. Pappy Boyington gave his ayrecraft, LuciBelle. I combined the two , into LexiBelle and so it is. But between the condition I was in, this past week, with the blood clot to my leg, on meds for that, most Warfarin , otherwise known as rat poison, and the cramp of my foot just below my calf where the blood clot formed, brought me to the conclusion concussion that as much as I’d like it, I might not be physically able to be going towing any more or what if in say 5 or ten years if I live that long I can’t tow? What then do I do, to bring in a few extra dollars over SSA and all? While I’m grounded for a month or so, I can’t do much to change things, but as soon and I’ll work on that the rest of this month into June, but as soon as LiL Lexi is able, going to take a quick trip to SLC , check out the ayre school they have at SLC Community college. Get recertified to fly, both fixed winged as well as helo, and really get into the ayre.
I look back now on just a few things over the past 15 or so years. In 1997 I moved from the frozen tundra of Wyoming (the first time) to Layton Utah, just outside of HAFB’s east gate which is right off of the main runway of where the F-16’s that fly out of there. Afternoons I’d sit there in my truck, tuning into NAVCOMM and all the AC communications and think my wouldn’t it be grand to be up there. Then I met a hot dog CB’er who fueled ayrecraft and lived on base there. Of course I knew my way around base from the days both my Dad and Mom took me there, and all, but Tim took me out to the flight line and let me help fuel those Falcons. One night Tim introduced me to a AF Aviator who happened to be a member and board director of the then Confederate Air Force, now the Commemorative Air Force. In any flyte, got hanging with those who had their heads, minds and hearts in the clouds. Of course fast forwarding, to both my discovery of the F-4-U’s at Jerome, and all the rest and Cuzzin Gordon , and Cuzzin Bud connecting me and the last remains of Mom & Dad’s Trust Fund for me into creating what is AyreWolf Aviation, there at Bountiful SkyPark, and being in the cockpit is much more palatable that going towing when its cold and snowing, and getting a few hundred bucks snaking some drunk out of a snow bank, or taking in a few thousand bucks flying over a farm field spraying crops in an Air Tractor? Which would you choose? Or making a few thousand bucks fixing a car, truck or building a scoot, or a few million rebuilding and restoring a vintage military warbyrd? Again which would you choose? Considering just about everywhere I have lived since 1997 to 2000, then from 2001 into early 2006 has been within a stones throw from a workable ayreport , and its clear, I have changed. The Knytes-of-Anarchy is still part of me , so don’t get me wrong, but even the KOA has changed. Many of our KOA members even though they pay their yearly dues and all are so scattered across the USA, that the KOA is not as strong at least to me as they once were. But I’d rather strengthen the AyreWolvez where I can, plus get in gear with other warbird organizations and do what and where I can to expand that part of me, that loves flyte. Who knows when I go to ayre school in Utah , might find I need to and can live there, if not , Burley, American Falls, hell even Soda Springs, might be a better choice for me. So in closing for my final approach to land this edition of MorningCyde , not selling LexiBelle, but renting the shop in Jerome , long enough to restore her to her beauty for preservation, rebuilding LiL Lexi, then stepping out of towing to go flying.
L8R Aviators
Matthew 18:15“[A Brother Who Sins Against You] "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. - Will Rogers