Whether your doing up a spankingly great web site or a TV ad, makes no difference, if ya’ll want to get noticed, add some spice. Just like going to a pot luck supper, the really bland dishes never get ate, but the ones with some real kick get ravished. Years ago in advertising a business on say TV, there were what 3 maybe 4 TV networks and in our area , we were thankful for at least two maybe three we could see well. Two were in Boise that came in fuzzy until the translator was installed and good old KMVT. Then , it did not matter much to have real punch, since if you could get on at all, few had any choice but to see your ad. The face of media today is much different, between both Dish and DirecTV, to the Internet and IPTV where 60% of our ad dollars here at AyreWolf Aviation going to Hulu, and of course our local OTA stations. In any case the blah, blah blend of generic TV ads no longer cuts it. A great philosopher once said, “its stupidity to do the same things over and over again, but expecting different results.” This is the core reason, we in the AyreWolvez as well as AyreWolf Aviation do our best to create better than average TV ads for ourselves. Whether its a hot blonde in a skin tight flight suit pitching our club standing by one of our byrds, a catchy music jingle, or a combination, this is what catches the eye and makes people remember you and want to do business with you, as with adding spice your name and message is retained. It’s like all the ad mails I get in my email everyday, only those with some kick or eye candy do I open up. The rest gets deposited in the pile 13 file. There are expensive ads and not so expensive ads. Production can be a few hundred bucks or several thousand dollars. Thank goodness that we here at the AyreWolvez have our own in hangar production company, that is available free to AyreWolvez members and at reasonable cost to none members. In any case in today’s ad market , no matter how much you spend on ad placement, if its bland it wont get noticed, if it has spice your message will soar. Next entry, how we do it.
Ephesians 4:32“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |