Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Found it, Katy Perry’s new vid is the background Jingle


It took me awhile, but I found it. Major Kozloski and I were sitting here at the current Wolf’s Lair watching the CW, as that’s all one gets here in go nowhere western Idaho, more on that in a few other blogs But so we were watching the local CW and that new jingle of the CW comes on, for the new shows rolling out on the CW this fall. I knew I had heard the tune elsewhere but did not know where. It does help if you have the title rather than just the lyrics, but so it went. The new jingle is a montage of the tune done by Katy Perry with Snoop Dog, called California Gurlls (their spelling not mine). But I found it and its out on You Tube. So added it to the play list of AyreWolf Radio.

Alrighty then, found could not get on our site, seems as though was down but will check later and if need be give em a jingle, with a good bitchin session. Tried to hook up a site for the HCTTA, /Highway Hooker, and that might be the grind. Again will check into it and let ya’ll know. If nothing else I’ll pay for our spot on ning, and keep that rolling.

Getting back to Katy Perry, for a Preachers daughter she’s done damn good. Going from a MySpace posting to superstar.

Finally here, talked to Ellie May, today on the phone. I still say if the situation was a bit tweaked and her hubby were not in the picture, Ellie May and I would be hitched in nothing flat. I could be wrong, but I’m not far from the earthly truth there. Any flyte, Nurse GoodBody sezz that she thinks that there are organic ways to solve my PTSD stuff, not that Seroquel, so going to tell the shrink today, no on the suggested meds. I trust completely what Ellie May tells me. I have told here the honest truth from takeoff to the soaring heights she and I reached. I truly think if I can get this radio werx gig in and on the ayre she’ll jump back in the plane, so-to-speak. Ellie May even told me she found me a family treasure that’s right up my alley that she’s going to give me next week when she comes over.

To bring this into my final here, seems as though every damn time I try to reinvent the site or sites, shit gets all jammed up. Seems as though, I’m stuck both flying and toewing, so that being what that is and given that will be my main operation in Utah with Cuzzin Gordon, I’m sticking with all things AyreWolf. As one radio sales guy who also was one of my recruiters going into the Marines, you don’t screw with number 1, so I give up. I’m getting a tat with the AyreWolf logo and make it permanent .

Early morning Wednesday.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the day:
If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee -- that will do them in. - Bradley's Bromide
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;”

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