Friday, June 11, 2010

How can you buy local, when no one will sell it to you?


Every day I see on our local CW one of the two still analog channels still available in my area. A ad for the local business’s saying buy local. Don’t buy from the Internet, and try to not buy from the big box stores but from local retailers. I agree with that, but that said, how can you buy local when no one will sell to you? More over why blame me and/or the AyreWolvez/Knytes-of-Anarchy for not buying ad time, when the TV station is the one that drops the ball? Thing is, I called our local CW Affiliate to buy ad time. Most advertisers don’t call, they are visited by sales crews all day, and most need to be convinced, first. Okay fine; So I call our CW station here, and guess what ? After I don’t know how many times I called I kept getting the runaround. Nothing new about that as our local CW is also ran by another station that was once the only TV station in the valley and still is the only full service TV station in the area. That is about to change, but for this blog entry we’ll stick the local CW station. Now its not that our local station here cain’t do the job , its that when it comes to putting a pitch model on an ad, they are so bassackewords that they cain’t see straight. Its called staying safe so other sponsors will not boycott the station and not buy time. Rather loose one than many. In that frame of mind, think this; it’s not the lack of money that keeps us from going from square one on our advertising at the local CW station, its not that we are retreating, its the fact that the local CW station refuses to move forward, because of some Victorian frame of thought that putting a honey on an ad with Military warbirds that keeps the operation from moving forward. Yet I was promised two meetings yesterday, from our local CW station’s ad ales crew. One backed out, the other was cancelled by the GM of our local station.

Anyone that does business with both my company or the club knows that money is distributed through a chain of command. For my company, the written signed agreement is sent to Cuzzin Bud, who then disburses the check to the who ever we are doing business with, in this case the local CW station. For the club, the money is distributed from the treasurer in California, once they get again the written signed contract from the firm we are dealing with, in this case it’d be our local CW station. Yes this system does take time and is frustrating at times, but no one has ever left empty handed. Mom and Dad had the brains years ago to structure things this way. Yes I have been disappointed a few times, but its also why both AyreWolf Aviation/Dixie Towing has stayed in business and has survived when many have went under. Likewise, its why the AyreWolvez/Knytes-of-Anarchy has stayed organized and operational when other clubs of the same vein have disbanded.

Our local CW station says when we get serious give them a call, fine, but its not us pulling the plug, its them. No I’m not blaming anyone for none completion of a project here. But how can you finish something when those your doing business refuse to even start?

Maybe our local CBS/CW station here needs to practice what they promote. I’d buy local if only they’d sell to me. But when a national network will allow us to buy from them , what choice do we have? Just boggles the mind.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation. - Judith Martin
Psalm 46:10“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

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