This may or may not have happened to you. But Tuesday I strolled into my local coffee shop, and one of the wait gals there had puss smell so bad that I had to go to the head and hurl.
Call it Smegma, call it puss rot, or just a lack of serious cleansing , but women who ignore that sweet pit, soon get the door shut on it. Especially in a place that serves food. Foul smelling women, or those that over compensate with high powered perfumes that knock you over three booths over is way too much. This is not to say that a light fragrance is not good, and sweet well cared for vaginas are the things of most men’s dreams, but when that crotch smells worse than their butts, that’s a bad rut.
When faced with such an occurrence, should someone say something? Is it sexual harassment on the job to tell an employee, “hey honey , ever hear of Masingil?” Now I have been a great fan of females toes in hose, and go as far as saying not too long ago, during an interview of a TV ad for Dixie Towing here, that very strongly stated that the toes in hose might be sampled. Thus, simple reasoning by the potential applicant model would dictate that both the feet, toes and hose, should be freshly washed and clean. But this gal, who had drove all the way down from Kuna, for the interview had feet and all that were really pee-ewe. Such a interview should have dictated that open toed shoes should be worn to let the feet air out. But this gal wore cotton gym socks and tenny runners, that made the situation worse. Needless to say the gal failed the interview. That said that’s one thing, but having a gal who works in an eating establishment should come to work, clean and fresh smelling. Because; bad smelling pussy, smells worse than rotten tuna fish.
As someone who believes as does a true Marine that there is no substitute for clean. I shower three times a day, if I’m not busy, but at least twice a day. My Dad was the same way, in fact I truly think my Pa , had every hair on his head numbered. He knew when any of them were out of order. Dad always told me if I was sweaty or stinky, that I was out of uniform. Until I cleaned up. The cows in our milk barn were trained not to shit in the barn. Unless someone strange came in, mom & Dad would tap the tails, if they saw one about to potty. Clean was the thing at our house, on the farm and all. I have tried to carry that into my own life.
Dad would have thrown a conniption fit yesterday had he whiffed that foul crotch. I told Steve a Knyte and owner of the place, that the gal smelled rather staunchy. She weren’t there in the evening, even though scheduled to be so. Clean up America, and American women, soap and a full bath works well.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas A. Edison
Matthew 7:13-14“[The Narrow and Wide Gates] "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |