Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An invasion from Oregon

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An invasion entered Bliss lately, but ye ole AyreWolf here threw a curve ball that is really going to hurt. The dillweeds from Oregon who was contracted by Bliss to do the earth moving work for the sewer system here, yesterday, rumbled ye ole Wolf’s Lair here so bad my beginning collection of Confederate plates came loose off the wall, fell on the floor and shattered, to pieces. So being dutiful I cleaned the pieces up, and took em out to the trash, so told the foreman this morning, about it and he said oh well. But the same construction company also tore out the curb here at the complex, plus uprooted the underground watering system, and that’s the short list. Of course I swiftly called the manager of the property here took pics and I’m sure that the construction company will get an ear full in the morning. Even my neighbors here and most of Bliss are not too happy, with this outfit. I think I’m going to speak to old Hazzard’s  mayor this week and see if I can head off the progress of this construction company. It’s not good to piss off ye ole Wolf.  the home front. Got a email from Cuzzin Bud today, he found me a pad in Midvale Utah, so looks like I’m finally out of here. Wonder if the jerx will stop their shit, after I’m out of here like they promised or if they are like other Yankee’s who talk out the side of mouth, with no intent of keeping promises. But the U-Haul is outside the Wolf’s Lair here so, need to stay at packing and all. All I know is, its 14 days and counting then no more go nowhere Idaho.

Special program on in the AM on Warbird Radio at 08:00 a lady Warbird collector will be the guest.

Keep it in the ayre,

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something. - Wilson Mizner
Proverbs 23:24“The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him.”

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