Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another long three days


Another long three days. Yep broke as a church mouse and my insides are still turning themselves inside out. Hell it got so bad being sick and all, had to break down and call Ron for a Pepto. If this don’t clear up by mid morning going to get over to the hospital, there is something really bad. I’m also thinking of filing a suit with that Alliance outfit in Twin. The bastards have taken way too long. The best thing they could have done is flat be honest and say we cain’t help you. Then I could have been making plans for an exit to Utah, and betwixed Bud and I found some outfit that handles SSA Payee duties, which is what the crap with Alliance is all about. As far as I can see, Alliance is all a smoke an mirror show. Nothing more. We see what the week brings. According to Nurse GoodBody they are going to get in touch with me Wednesday.

In the meanwhile going to get my innerds fixed, then be looking for the path to get out of Idaho. Face it fellow Wolvez, Idaho is broke and there ain’t no way for us to fix it.

Nearly got my affidavit done to send off to the PCS attorney. Still looking to getting the infomercial done, and once done have a station willing to air. It all just takes CA$H.

Any flyte, this ole Wolf’s byte is done. Can’t hold anything down food wise. So been livin on water and not much else. The first of the month, is dern near here in three days. Fact is as soon as I can, get the bill on the gear paid. New rear main seal on LiL Lexi fixed, then its find housing in Utah and get me and the Wolf Pack out of Idaho. Let good old Idaho drown.



Isaiah 53:3-4“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Improvise Adapt Overcome


With my insides being turned inside out most of the weekend and snuff being something rather critical, I have made it through yet another grand no do anything weekend in downtown Bliss Idaho. Eatin has been a challenge, since most of the diet have been from the MilRat grub I have and a few rather expired canned veggies from Helping Hands. Not condemning Helpin Hands they give out what they have, and here lately that ain’t been much. I am really praying something happens with this Alliance outfit, in Twin. While I think Nurse GoodBody did the best she knew, I am getting the feeling that the entire wait is just more of a delay, that is keeping me glued in western Idaho. Bottom line there really needs to be a change of environment here. Let’s face it friends as much as I’d like to improve my groove here, in the state that I was born in, it ain’t going to happen. Oh sure, If I walked into this Alliance outfit with several thousand bucks in my britches you can bet you next annual inspection these bastards would be lit on fyre to get something going. But with Medicaid being limited these days and all its lack of serious green, that is holding back my exit.

So what about Nurse GoodBody? Ellie May is still a dear friend and all, but remember she don’t work for us any more. She has to make green to feed her family and help me as she can. So for me, its lets not think that its Ellie May’s job to get this Alliance thing going. What I need do is call em up myself and put the fyre under their butt. Simply tell em its time to crap or get off the pot.  There is changes coming, look in our stealth blog for details.

L8R Aviators


2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

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To Serve rather than be Served

AYRE TRAFFIC HEADER2 aw nyte flyte header

There are many who claim and judging from events of some of my past it might be justified. But thing is some say the reason I’m involved with all this Provo Canyon School thing is to make a big pay day at the end. Sure I will not lie, if I can make out of it what my Mom & Dad put out for so called education and rehabilitation sure that’d be great, but the main reason I’m involved is to bring to justice those who decided that greed was better than helping troubled youth. Those who got their rocks off on assaulting kids , teens. Those who got a big stiff one thinking it was fun having sex with young boys. Later I heard young girls were also involved, can’t speak on that, as I never knew of girls on campus except for staff. Since when I was there PCS was an all BOYS school(institution).

With that said, it must be made clear, one of the points of the AyreWolvez creed is to SERVE rather than be SERVED. A passage from our Bible and is one of the solid rocks that the AyreWolvez was founded upon. So in closing this Sunday night into Monday morning, if you can dig deep in your pockets and churn out an extra $100.00 or even $50.00 so that we can get made a infomercial , that hopefully will inform and educate the public on Provo Canyon School, and two that more survivors can come forth without fear of retribution, it will be worth it. This is not , repeat NOT!!! a fund raiser for the AyreWolvez or the Knytes, it is an effort to generate some press and as said, bring justice to many and maybe some peace and closure to others who were and are at Provo Canyon School. There are other places like this. One is in Lewiston Idaho , called NICH or the Northern Idaho Children’s Home. Just as bad since its TAX payer money keeping that one going.

More in the AM.

L8R Aviators


2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Night is not a time to be online


Think of the Internet as one big pipe. Think of your Internet Services Provider as a connection to that pipe, then consider that all the other connections are more pipes. All of which cut down the full flow of water or in this case bandwidth and speed. It makes no matter how much high speed someone promises you, the connection and or loading speed is only as good as the amount of bandwidth. Unfortunately the Internet is a place for the under 40 crowd to hang especially on a Saturday night. In small rural communities like Bliss here that’s all there is to do. So while frustrating as hell, on a Saturday night into the very early hours of Sunday morning, the best thing to do online is to stay off cuzz it ain’t going to run very fast. Oh how I long for the faster speed of Cable Internet, but even that at times was slow. Any way trying to cure Swimmers Ear so off until early morning.

L8R Aviators


Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

After the beer is gone

It’s that time of the month. Beer is gone, the drugs are low and ya’ll know who without anything more to do needs to poke shit at ye ole Wolf here. No matter, those who know REALLY KNOW me knows better and we’ll just let that be that. Yet I always scratch my ass and think what the frack did I do to them? Directly or indirectly. Seems as those desert rats have nothing more to do than bother ye ole Wolf here. AD’s shit site stays completely idle for near two months, now, all of a sudden I get my teeth into something that just, mind you, Just might help someone else besides me, and what happens? Shit slinging time. Just like a diaper , full of shit and always on my ass.  The only way I would ever shut them up is to move back into Utah. The only thing is A; can’t afford too , rent and such is way to high down there, and B; I really don’t think LiL Lexi would take going down there doing a move, so I’m stuck for at least a few more months. Although I'm really looking forward to making that move. Okay that said. The main reason most of these dillweeds from up north and west of me here, wants me to vacate, is that their drug trade has been shall we say put to a slow crawl. I threaten one of their gold mines so , if they get me to move hey the drug groove gets going again. That said caught some new ideas through another thread, so will relate that on our stealth blog. Next AyreWolvez meeting is on the 8th at the Shilo INN in Twin Falls. Two keynote speakers, one on Vet Benefits, and one on new FAA regs. Will be interesting. Need to RSVP on this though the menu is Chicken or Beef. The cooks need to know how much to fix.
Last here, to all those Anon’s in MHI and surrounding area, if I were pulling something funny with PCS etc, don’t ya’ll think I wouldn’t give out my contact info? I do give that out, as its legit.
Go get another bottle and leave the important work to those who are working to fix a really broken wagon.
L8R Aviators.
Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Finding words hard to come by


aw nyte flyte header AW ON THE HUD

Earlier this past evening I was able to talk with the attorney representing the organization that the AyreWolvez are working with to put Provo Canyon School out of business, and those who have committed crimes against teens, now, as well as even against me years ago.

Over the years, I have healed somewhat, simply due to my vivid imagination as well as not thinking of it much. The fact is how do you put pain, physical violation of your body, invasion of privacy, removal of all your rights as a human, into words? While knowing, dates, times, names and circumstances, writing this out in the affidavit that the attorney sezz I got to get to them in two weeks, is going to be the most difficult thing I have ever done. The reasons are memories of things I saw done not only to me , but other kids, that some became my friends. Two I saw hauled out on stretchers, all bloody, dead . All for simple shit , like pulling out an electrical cord by the cord , instead of the plug. Or like me, being held down by 4 big steroidal males and having Brussels sprouts stuffed down my throat, because I not only did like them , but because I was allergic. By then, that was the first small incident that nearly had me scared shitless.  Or having a kid eat his own dung, because he got sick to his stomach and crap his pants. Imagine you being penned in a head stall, bent over the commode having to eat your own dung? No fortunately it wasn’t me, but it was still a friend. If it hadn’t been for a long distance CB radio relay, from Provo, Utah to Buhl Idaho then a phone call to Mom and Dad, yours truly might not be here today. The things that happened to me goes beyond anyone’s concept of a youth home, or treatment center. Unfortunately once some body gets a damn grant from Uncle Sam, to open one of these joints, then can charge parents, insurance companies and both SSA and Medicare to name a few, these people get greedy. It’s no longer treatment to help troubled youth get an education, medical care, and some spiritual healing, nope teens become just another ca$h file. Back when I was in , mom and dad got billed just under $2,000.00 a month. Multiply that by several hundred teens in one place over the course of a year or so, and one does not need to think this is one hell of a racket. But it goes beyond that, places like and at least PCS did, hire college students from BYU there as Primary Therapists or PT’s. Most had no real training except that they had to be big burly men who could kick the shit out of teens. About the same requirements for a bouncer at some bars. Most were pedophiles, child molesters, and most never really had a serious background check. If a teen were abused or killed PCS covered it up, few if little charges were ever brought, because ole Mr. Williams was in bed , quite seriously and for rea with both Orem and Provo city leaders. However that being that all night I have been trying to put things into words to write up for the attorney. But as it’s 03:00 hours in the morning , I’m waiting until mid day to start writing it all up.  As I close, I know that many out there think I’m just a dreamer or worse. Trust me when I say that the AyreWolvez are trying to raise a few thousand bucks to get an infomercial produced with some names and faces, of teens who went to PCS, and somehow survived. More over if we can do this we’ll be able to get more adults now, teens then to come forward, put their memories of the place on paper as well as parents, of those youths, so that more kids, now and in the future don’t have to go through what I did, and what so many others did. If you want to help, the best way is to carve out a check for $50.00 , $100.00 what ever you feel is right.  Make it out to the AYREWOLVEZ PCS MEDIA FUND, and send it to; AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, 342 Main Street #4 Gooding Idaho 83330.  Or if you know someone in the news media that might would want to help, have them email me at ayrewolf@gmail.com and I’ll give them my phone number . This is not just for me, its for so many teens that have been abused, injured , and killed at Provo Canyon School. Help us to help them. If you thought the pictures of Haiti were bad think of it happening right here in America and tax money being paid to crooks to conduct child abuse and worse. Many think I’m just barking here, but I’d like to see some of them go through what I did there at Provo Canyon School, and see if they come out any better or stronger than I have. Don’t let what happened to me, happen to some kid you know or even one of your own. Help us in The AyreWolvez to help the survivors of PCS.

L8r Aviators


Psalm 62:7“My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Strength in numbers


I have always said there is real strength in numbers. The reason our groups exist in the first place , is to address the concerns and issues of the industries that our members are part of due to their chosen careers. But that is not the focus of today’s  blog entry.

As you know I’m attempting to raise awareness of the need to shut down not only one facility but two spin off’s from an institution called Provo Canyon School , located in Orem Utah.

Not only has many of us that are Knytes/AyreWolvez members been subject to the abuses of this Nazi prison camp in Utah, but too there are so many out there that are not members of any of our clubs that need to be comforted and paid for their suffering.

The Media is very fickle, such TV shows as DateLine NBC , Montel Williams, and others have had involvement in PCS at one time or another. NBC has among its program affiliates the DR. Phil Show which is co-owned by Oprah Winfrey. Or HARPO productions which is Oprah spelled backwards . The media only listens to one thing CA$H . Therefore and this is not for me, nor the Knytes, etc. This is for a Media project , to bring forth what is going on at PCS and let those who were victims and hopefully survivors some relief and closure, as well as put a stop to PCS to begin with.

Thus if you have $100.00 that you can contribute, please send it to me in care of the AyreWolvez PCS Media Fund, 342 main Street Gooding Idaho 83330 . This way we can buy media time to get the word out to those who might not know of the efforts going on to shut down PCS and bring those who inflicted the damage to children , to justice as well as close the places down. What we need to do is hear from those who have been involved in PCS either as a captive, or a parent, that sent your child to PCS and found out later the place turned your child into something much worse both emotionally and mentally due to abuse both sexually and otherwise. The only way that I know of besides the grand web here, to let those people know there is some major action going on to put a hault to PCS is to get the media involved. And as I said the media only knows one thing, CA$H. If we produce a infomercial or two outlining what PCS is, and getting the word out, we can the gather statements and testimony from victims of PCS to come forward. The other thing is attorney’s don’t come cheap. At $250.00 an hour or more it costs to prosecute and litigate. The AyreWolvez have joined forces with an organization that I can’t speak of due to legal reasons, but we have joined forces to help raise money and get affidavits and statements from victims of PCS, or any of its spin off’s to come forward. If you were ever there, dragged off by your hair , down a long hall , thrown into the P , room and thought someday I’m going to sue, this is your chance. But its not cheap. Help us to help you and also future generations. Shut down PCS NOW! The best way, is numbers. The more the better. Gathering those numbers is not going to be easy. If a public eye was opened then the ability is much better. So again, if you care about kids, if you care to bring down corporate monsters that are out for only money , not to help kids, if you want to help make courts, aware of what PCS is all about, so courts don’t send kids there to PCS, then scrape up $100.00 or anything you feel comfortable in giving, and send it to: AyreWolvez PCS Media Fund, 342 Main Street Gooding Idaho 83330.

Next time more about military aviation nose art.

Until then stay in the ayre.

L8R Aviators


Philippians 1:29“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Could it really be built?


Could the Lady be built? TV gives us visions of fantasy and awe. My alter ego name sake although spelled different, is one of those things that makes one scratch your head and say could it really be built? Of course I’m talking about the Lady the helo a Bell 222A that was the real star of the TV series Airwolf. Speed was Mach 1 plus with a range of 980 miles. The series was created in mid 1983 and began to air by the fall of 1984. Question though is, could such a helo be built today with technology that makes even that of Airwolf look primitive today? Could two turbo fans (jet engines) be infused into the belly of a 222A with the firepower and all that the Lady had? I put in a call to the production designer of the byrd used on the TV series, I also placed a call to Bell, to see if a 222A hulk could be bought to really see if the byrd could be built. I’ll keep ya’ll informed.

On the matter of PCS, I got a disturbing call from one of the captive alumni of PCS,earlier this evening. Seems as though both he and I have been lets say uncovered, from court files, so they said.  Dave’s call went on that he was approached that if he was paid a good chunk of money, would he shut up, and/or make nice, about it all. He asked me if I had been contacted by PCS itself as he had? I responded no. However I did say that if I did get contacted as I sit right now, that if I got offered a serious chunk of cash from PCS or someone involved in the mess, that I’d have a real problem not taking the green and keeping quiet. But that all is a subject for a different time.

Any flyte, the question today is could Airwolf be built?

Let ya’ll know what I find out.



Philippians 1:29“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,”

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