There is an untold story that I keep bottled down deep inside me that even today causes me restless sleep. From September of 1976 to mid March o 1977, I was caged at a place in the Provo Canyon area of Utah, called Provo Canyon School, which is not really a school, but an internment camp for troubled youth. There is nothing therapeutic about PCS. Many who go in never come out and the few who do never come out as they went in. Filled with distrust of everyone and everything. Thoughts of suicide, and drug abuse run rampant through many who left there. I got very lucky, since I was able to hold it together with what is still my best defense weapon, my imagination. With my imagination I was able to keep the brain washing going on there out of my mind. My imagination also allows healing even to the small degree . I was also lucky that the USCMC and Senator Frank Church, D, of Idaho got me in the Marines from September 1977 to April 21st 1996. With a reup from 1998 to 2005. The Marines put me in with the FIRM as its called and why rank of Colonel is mine. The reason much documentation does not exist of my service is due to the FIRM, and anymore on the FIRM , I can’t talk about. And no that is not my imagination. There is more, but the fact that an organization called HEAL, has began efforts to get justice for us who are survivors of PCS, and get the joint and all its extensions shut down, is something I’m putting my shoulder behind the wheel of. It’s too damn late to be thinking of PCS as it causes dreams that are too much for normal citizens to handle. My escapes of PCS over the years though have ranged from all things Hazzard County, Star Trek. Many members of the clubs etc that so many say do not exist just happen to be survivors of PCS who I have kept in contact with, and slowly have brought to fruition not only the Hazzard Knytes in 1982 that became the grounds for SAMCRO MCC IDAHO as the Knytes-of-Anarchy, that has amongst our siblings the AyreWolvez.
More in the PM Friday on this. Follow along.
1 John 1:9“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |