Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another long three days


Another long three days. Yep broke as a church mouse and my insides are still turning themselves inside out. Hell it got so bad being sick and all, had to break down and call Ron for a Pepto. If this don’t clear up by mid morning going to get over to the hospital, there is something really bad. I’m also thinking of filing a suit with that Alliance outfit in Twin. The bastards have taken way too long. The best thing they could have done is flat be honest and say we cain’t help you. Then I could have been making plans for an exit to Utah, and betwixed Bud and I found some outfit that handles SSA Payee duties, which is what the crap with Alliance is all about. As far as I can see, Alliance is all a smoke an mirror show. Nothing more. We see what the week brings. According to Nurse GoodBody they are going to get in touch with me Wednesday.

In the meanwhile going to get my innerds fixed, then be looking for the path to get out of Idaho. Face it fellow Wolvez, Idaho is broke and there ain’t no way for us to fix it.

Nearly got my affidavit done to send off to the PCS attorney. Still looking to getting the infomercial done, and once done have a station willing to air. It all just takes CA$H.

Any flyte, this ole Wolf’s byte is done. Can’t hold anything down food wise. So been livin on water and not much else. The first of the month, is dern near here in three days. Fact is as soon as I can, get the bill on the gear paid. New rear main seal on LiL Lexi fixed, then its find housing in Utah and get me and the Wolf Pack out of Idaho. Let good old Idaho drown.



Isaiah 53:3-4“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.”

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