Earlier this past evening I was able to talk with the attorney representing the organization that the AyreWolvez are working with to put Provo Canyon School out of business, and those who have committed crimes against teens, now, as well as even against me years ago.
Over the years, I have healed somewhat, simply due to my vivid imagination as well as not thinking of it much. The fact is how do you put pain, physical violation of your body, invasion of privacy, removal of all your rights as a human, into words? While knowing, dates, times, names and circumstances, writing this out in the affidavit that the attorney sezz I got to get to them in two weeks, is going to be the most difficult thing I have ever done. The reasons are memories of things I saw done not only to me , but other kids, that some became my friends. Two I saw hauled out on stretchers, all bloody, dead . All for simple shit , like pulling out an electrical cord by the cord , instead of the plug. Or like me, being held down by 4 big steroidal males and having Brussels sprouts stuffed down my throat, because I not only did like them , but because I was allergic. By then, that was the first small incident that nearly had me scared shitless. Or having a kid eat his own dung, because he got sick to his stomach and crap his pants. Imagine you being penned in a head stall, bent over the commode having to eat your own dung? No fortunately it wasn’t me, but it was still a friend. If it hadn’t been for a long distance CB radio relay, from Provo, Utah to Buhl Idaho then a phone call to Mom and Dad, yours truly might not be here today. The things that happened to me goes beyond anyone’s concept of a youth home, or treatment center. Unfortunately once some body gets a damn grant from Uncle Sam, to open one of these joints, then can charge parents, insurance companies and both SSA and Medicare to name a few, these people get greedy. It’s no longer treatment to help troubled youth get an education, medical care, and some spiritual healing, nope teens become just another ca$h file. Back when I was in , mom and dad got billed just under $2,000.00 a month. Multiply that by several hundred teens in one place over the course of a year or so, and one does not need to think this is one hell of a racket. But it goes beyond that, places like and at least PCS did, hire college students from BYU there as Primary Therapists or PT’s. Most had no real training except that they had to be big burly men who could kick the shit out of teens. About the same requirements for a bouncer at some bars. Most were pedophiles, child molesters, and most never really had a serious background check. If a teen were abused or killed PCS covered it up, few if little charges were ever brought, because ole Mr. Williams was in bed , quite seriously and for rea with both Orem and Provo city leaders. However that being that all night I have been trying to put things into words to write up for the attorney. But as it’s 03:00 hours in the morning , I’m waiting until mid day to start writing it all up. As I close, I know that many out there think I’m just a dreamer or worse. Trust me when I say that the AyreWolvez are trying to raise a few thousand bucks to get an infomercial produced with some names and faces, of teens who went to PCS, and somehow survived. More over if we can do this we’ll be able to get more adults now, teens then to come forward, put their memories of the place on paper as well as parents, of those youths, so that more kids, now and in the future don’t have to go through what I did, and what so many others did. If you want to help, the best way is to carve out a check for $50.00 , $100.00 what ever you feel is right. Make it out to the AYREWOLVEZ PCS MEDIA FUND, and send it to; AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, 342 Main Street #4 Gooding Idaho 83330. Or if you know someone in the news media that might would want to help, have them email me at ayrewolf@gmail.com and I’ll give them my phone number . This is not just for me, its for so many teens that have been abused, injured , and killed at Provo Canyon School. Help us to help them. If you thought the pictures of Haiti were bad think of it happening right here in America and tax money being paid to crooks to conduct child abuse and worse. Many think I’m just barking here, but I’d like to see some of them go through what I did there at Provo Canyon School, and see if they come out any better or stronger than I have. Don’t let what happened to me, happen to some kid you know or even one of your own. Help us in The AyreWolvez to help the survivors of PCS.
L8r Aviators
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