The difference and why. For those who don’t know or may find fault, The United Confederate States Marine Corps. Is a volunteer militia group formed in 1973 that I have been proud to be part of since 1977. However it must be said , that the Confederate Marines has little in connection except for name, with the United States Marines Corps. As far as my own military service, while I’d like to speak of it, the FIRM has strongly told me not to, as its an issue of National Security, so I’ll be silent as to that.
Now onto Private Eyes. Ever think your being watched? Or that your Internet connection and such are being tapped? You could be the smallest grain of wheat in the silo, but if your of anything serious that could over turn the balance of power or upset those in power of a given area, trust me, your being watched and tapped. Look for things like slow Internet connections, or a strange buzz on the phone. Or bumps in the night that are not usual. As a person involved in the FIRM, I can tell you , I know when my butt is being watched. So I’m letting you know , I know.
In closing, I just wanted to clarify the difference between the U-C-S-A-M-C and the U-S-M-C . And know this , my service there with the U-C-S-A-M-C is still active. Read our stealth blog for more on that.
The efforts by us to enhance and get a boot in the pants of efforts putting PCS and its PT’s etc in behind bars and give some of us some financial restitution for the pain we as survivors still suffer . As it is I, am looking for others in my area that might have been involved in that place or the extension in Logan Canyon, also ran by Mr. Crist. Who was one of the founders of PCS. Alot of how I am today, has alot to do with what happened to me in PCS. I will not here say more on that but know from reading some of reflections from others who made it out of there alive, much of what I have been through is mirrored by those other survivors. As to a comment I heard, yes records can be shed, but Cuzzin Bud, and Cuzzin Judy both know of what happened to me there and both are hardly if at all bribed. I’m making a call Friday on this, will relate that call on our stealth blog Friday.
1 John 1:9“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |