There are many who claim and judging from events of some of my past it might be justified. But thing is some say the reason I’m involved with all this Provo Canyon School thing is to make a big pay day at the end. Sure I will not lie, if I can make out of it what my Mom & Dad put out for so called education and rehabilitation sure that’d be great, but the main reason I’m involved is to bring to justice those who decided that greed was better than helping troubled youth. Those who got their rocks off on assaulting kids , teens. Those who got a big stiff one thinking it was fun having sex with young boys. Later I heard young girls were also involved, can’t speak on that, as I never knew of girls on campus except for staff. Since when I was there PCS was an all BOYS school(institution).
With that said, it must be made clear, one of the points of the AyreWolvez creed is to SERVE rather than be SERVED. A passage from our Bible and is one of the solid rocks that the AyreWolvez was founded upon. So in closing this Sunday night into Monday morning, if you can dig deep in your pockets and churn out an extra $100.00 or even $50.00 so that we can get made a infomercial , that hopefully will inform and educate the public on Provo Canyon School, and two that more survivors can come forth without fear of retribution, it will be worth it. This is not , repeat NOT!!! a fund raiser for the AyreWolvez or the Knytes, it is an effort to generate some press and as said, bring justice to many and maybe some peace and closure to others who were and are at Provo Canyon School. There are other places like this. One is in Lewiston Idaho , called NICH or the Northern Idaho Children’s Home. Just as bad since its TAX payer money keeping that one going.
More in the AM.
L8R Aviators
2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |