Finally the weather is playing nice which got me into the air today. The only reason we came home was my FI needed to come home to go to a wedding. A wedding more important than me getting my seat time ? Just kidding Josh. Any flyte the run from TFAPRT over Idaho circling back over northern Utah , northeastern Nevada then back to TF, is a breath taking experience. When I hear people bitching about airlines, and all here is an idea, get your own GA , and fly your own plane. Makes life much, much easier. Planes can be shared as well, like time shares for resort properties , you can rent a fully certified plane for a few hundred or even a low few thousands for longer rental times. You take care of it, and best of all fly it. Helo’s can also be rented. JetCopters of Burbank California is a good outfit for that.
Loosing some of the weight I gained over this past weekend. I have lost 15 pounds and as long as I keep on the diet and food Nurse GoodBody has me on, I’ll be at my 175 in no time.
By the way, if your shopping for pants, get measured by a woman not no idiotic guy. Your waist is your belt line, not around your belly. I had a dweeb at Vickers in Twin Falls measure me. Guess what? I have a 42 inch waist, not the 48 inch waist that the old Man at Vickers said it was. Thus I have four pairs of pants that are in the 49 inch category rather than the smaller. If I had not been stupid and cut em off for length I’d return em but since I took the scizzors to em, I have extra big pants.
Saw some Bro’s in town today good day for riding, and remember the Rock Chuck Derby is next week end here in Bliss down yonder at Outlaw’s and Angels, great food and fun. Two charities, fund raisers, chat with O-A’s Frank for details.
Finally the Spring Flyin in Gooding is on the boards for May 28th through the 30th . Get in touch with us on my email.
Finally, lets tell NBC that something smarter than Qubo on NBC afternoons is needed. Our children’s brains are draining and its not in a good way.
See ya’ll on the tarmac.
L8R Aviators
1 Corinthians 1:18“[Christ the Wisdom and Power of God] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
To know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody. - Quentin Crisp