So digg this; woke up this afternoon, found phone offline. So I hoofed it over to the Stinker and made a phone call to Ma-Bell. Okay so I did, owe them $270.00 for the past bill, which was due on the first. Which I was on my way out today to pay in the first place. But Ma-Bell could not wait until the end of business day to get their money, B4 pulling my plug. Which fortunately did not cost me anything, but the fact that the bastards could not wait for even a until the end of the day, on a business day to unplug me was one of those things that goes to that old question, and issue that I have been barking about for months now. So we have health care reform, well sort of. We are supposed to see a change in the way health care is now done, but I say, what about telecomm reform? When Congress busted up the Bell System and in relation what was called the Baby Bells, to stop cornering the market it was a move in the right direction. When cell phones, and diveeing up the baby bells to where other phone companies get involved and thus opening up the market to other carriers, it was supposed to drive down costs. Bullshit, what we have at least in rural America , the condition to where Ma-Bell is still queen, and few others want to step in as the ROI as they say is not enuff to get em to look at an area, to offer service or product. The fact is for most Telecomm in our area means that you either pay Ma-Bell or no phone, no Internet . What if your a person who cain’t go to a bigger city to pay your phone bill because you are bed ridden? So no phone and you have a heart attack or something, and you live alone. Forget Life Alert, if there is no phone, Life Alert ain’t happening. So you could die. Just because you were to ill to get to a place to pay the damn bill. Be it illness, weather, or some obstruction and your SOL communications wise. So yes I’ll pay the damn bill, although that kicks me in the shins for the month, and thus I’ll celebrate my birthday on May 1st rather than on the 27th. But damn there needs to be a change on the way some of these Telecomm outfits, from Ma-Bell, to Cable-One does business. Digg this too, for them to unplug my service I didn’t even need to be at the office, but to get the damn thing hooked up I had to wait an entire day. It’s time for Congress to look at Telecomm.
At least my day came out good, went to The Bistro in TF, saw my Emme, and well , all is well with the rest of the world.
Still have not heard from that Alliance outfit. It’s like I told Ellie May, I think Alliance is a dead end. So as far as I’m concerned , piss on em. If Idaho really wanted to fix its financial problems, the first thing that Gov. Otter needs to do is overhaul the Department of Health and Welfare. Get rid of the waste, and all the stupid, and make that department a bit more streamlined and employee people that really have some gray matter between their ears. If these government agencies really wanted to improve their value for the tax payers dollar, get rid of the Chinks, Waps, Goons, Gooks, and so on, and only hire fully educated professionals, then you would see a hell of a surplus in income to these agencies. Lets face it , this is America. If you can’t(orWont) speak American English, and write and read American English, then you don’t work for State of Federal Government American agencies. I just hate stupid. It rubs me the wrong way, and I think a major overhaul is required. If you feel this way, look in on The Confederate National Party, and lets let the CNP get people in not only the CSA Government, but the USA Government.
At least I saw my Emme, today, that makes up for the rest of it.
More Tuesday.
L8R Aviators
2 Corinthians 5:14-15“For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
The reason lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place is that the same place isn't there the second time. - Willie Tyler