Monday, April 19, 2010

Put a Carrot in front of the Mule and it’ll move



I read an email posted by Ms. Smith the one with her mother engaging Provo Canyon School. While I’m all for bringing those hurting kids and all to justice and closing that place a long with all the other siblings attached to PCS, I have yet to see in my mail box any check or gift from those involved to do a mass infomercial informing others of the abuse that place caused or causes. More over I have convinced two area TV stations to air the infomercial, but I’m only one person. Most months I’m just trying to keep my head above the financial waters and eat. More over I’m in between the time to fly to dust crops, and going towing since it ain’t snowing. If just 10 people that are really concerned about closing Provo Canyon School, would cough up $100.00 a piece. I can rent the rest of the gear I need to produce the piece. Pay the two stations to air it, plus get some real news ink directed towards defending MS. Smith, and contributing to the prosecution to gain financial rewards for those abused and put up the closed sign on Provo Canyon School for good.

In Ms. Smith’s email, she said that many are not coming forth. I did the best I could. The rest are looking themselves in the mirror and asking why should I get involved? Since dredging up those memories of that place is very painful. It’s like on the farm, if you have a mule that will not move and is stubborn , the best course of action is to put a carrot on a stick in front of that mule. Trust me it’ll move. Let’s face it friends we are in a me generation. Most unlike us in the AyreWolvez are in a spot that unless whatever it is, is going to line my pockets nobody is going to do anything. Every night I see these ads on TV for these mass lawsuits for everything from medicines that damn near kill you to the problems involving Toyota. Most gain a lot of movement because people see a paycheck on the other end. If Ms.Smith and the attorney involved got on TV and voiced the noise of what’s going on, those not on her mailing list would say hey somebody is doing something and maybe I can gain money wise for the pain that place caused me etc. Many think my efforts on behalf of the infomercial is to gain some ready cash. No way, if I can do something to help Ms. Smith I’m ready, just call me at 208-280- 6269. That’s my cell phone and I have that by me all the time. If Ms. Smith is successful it will open up the gates of the limits of statutes and could make the road to a class action to get some cash for all of us. I would hope that Ms. Smith would cut and paste this AyreTraffic Blog on her’s and distribute it to the rest of her helpers.

Again if you want to send me a check made out to PCS Media project, and send it to: AyreWolf FM 342 Main Street #4 Gooding Idaho 83330, get er done.

As I said at the start here, want the mule to move, put a carrot on a stick in front of that Mule and it’ll move.

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1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

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