I have sedd this many more times than I can count. And although I’m sure in a few hours,(or days) our stealth site at ning.com will be back up in all its brilliance, yet I wonder too, here are a few of you who might wonder at what happened at the district meeting of the AyreWolvez and now cain’t get that news becuzz ning.com is off wrenching on their site? As I have also sedd many times the only way to have a near bullet proof web site and all is to build and put up one of our own. That way we control it, not somebody in San Francisco California or somewhere. The big whammy to getting our site up was me taking ill, from middle March to just about a week ago. While the meds from the Doctor have helped, they tire me out to the point that all I want to do is what day work I do, eat, shit , shower, and more sleep. While I have been checked to fly and all, still any extra work I do for our club and all has been somewhat put on hold for a time, until I can rescue from bondage the radio gear from Gooding and that’s going to take time. Our attorney is now looking into the matter as he sezz that the method of taking our gear was not exactly legal, being as we were not given warning. So its a wait project. When it comes to puss and such for projects, I’m still all for that , but twice now and its my fault entirely since I got my heart (and other bodily parts) in front of being professional and being in command as I should have. Once in Wyoming and now here. The only good thing that happened in Gooding was Nurse GoodBody and if it were not for her , LexiBelle would not be with me anymore . So thank God for her, she is truly one of God’s Angels. Even a few of you have sedd we do make a great looking couple, sad to say , but she’s hitched and I don’t see that changing anytime , nor would I try to wedge in there, as both her kids and hubby are cool people , people I love to call friends. That sedd, did see a hot Mexicali honey at the place I signed up for cell phone service. I’ll let you think what you want, but going to pitch the web site at her this next week and see what hails.
In closing, before the web site can be fully lifted off the tarmac, we will need many things to do that. For starters a web access point of minimum of 10 megz out, 10 megz in. Anything less we are choking ourselves. That means our own pipeline either a direct to satellite link, or T-1. Next is a web site builder, one who knows their stuff that can work with both Steve Wolf and Abacast to build it as we want it, to the precision site it must be, to really gain altitude. We’ll need office/studio space in Twin Falls, to give us greater access to what we need, and I saw many over there so our time is coming. Then there is all the content that must be gathered and photographed to make our site not only state of the art , but as sedd the precision ayre combat web site, that such a site demands and deserves. But we are little by little gaining some ayre under our wings.
Any flyte, need to say good nyte.
L8R Aviators
Romans 5:6-8“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
Quote of the day:
I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking