Saw on the news this evening that some charter airline is setting up its HQ in Boise. Boise is no doubt the only choice since the rest of the State of Idaho could never sustain that kind of company. At least to something over a SMB crop dusting company. The economy is turning over, problem is it might be the rolling over is like your 44, turning over at night and only passin gas. Yep it’ll stink for a few seconds, but she’s relived and anything beyond a good yawn and its over. I’m not saying Idaho could not grow faster than cotton in the South cuzz it could. But most will say no growth in my neighborhood. Let’s face it Idaho is not, repeat not the state you move to to build a career, its more like if your lucky, find a job, or flat retire. It’s like KTVB –7 out of Boise. Don’t get me wrong here, I really like KTVB’s newscasts. Most of their onsite and area reporters are very much true broadcast professionals, but they are not Salt Lake City quality, much less network able. Not saying they cain’t, just is not enuff to motivate anyone no matter gender to get into broadcast news. Much less engineering. Localism in broadcasting was a buzz word late in the Clinton administration . The idea was to force to the front local input as far as news etc. The idea also was to bust up media conglomerates. Like Clear Channel and Citadel. Didn’t break anything up, just made most of CC’s outfits to reform themselves and take up a new handle to light the candle. What would I like to see? At 22:00 hours, a shut off from Boise say in the case of KTVB , and a local newscast, generated by the local KTVB sub station in Twin Falls. I fully understand why they don’t do that. Shit look at how hard it was for us at SAMCRO Media to generate even a mere pimple on the six of a station concept. Which I need to make this clear here, AyreWolf FM and its siblings will launch in May to mid June. The gear in Gooding needs to be rescued first and facilities found that has the broadband IT speeds we need to bring that forward. Plus some IT Techie stuff. If I hadn’t gotten so damn sick in March we’d be there now, but with the meds I’m on now its more possible than it was . Media growth in Idaho, is one of those things that most can’t bank, and for those who can the work force for such things, outside of maybe Boise, or one of the major cities, the faces and voices are just not here. With these last bouts of getting sick, it brought to the front HUD that even if I’d like to which I do, I can’t do it all myself, so for a few months, I’m putting AyreWerx on the shelf.
Sure be glad to get some solid food. A milk only diet, just makes me need to hurl more..
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Matthew 20: 17-19“[Jesus Again Predicts His Death] Now as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside and said to them, "We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |