So there you are, watching your local TV station and some ad comes on saying you can try it free? So you log onto the we site but find out that your Free Trial is to just log on. What ever your looking to do is going to cost you.
Example, saw an ad on our local CW here about this outfit called , so I logged on to just see what it had on ye ole Wolf here. So I entered my name and found, I ain’t the only one with my name. Imagine that, so seeing one with my middle name , punched search. Both my residences in Utah and Idaho came up, with only Monkey on there as my XYL, imagine that too. But when I wanted additional information, saw I had to fill out some bullshit including a credit card. So in reality the search is not free. Why not say that your first search is complimentary with a paid subscription? I can remember when there was this outfit called Free Credit Report . com came on a few years ago. Found out that the credit report is contingent on you subscribing to their credit monitoring service. It took us as a club two years and multiple FTC submissions , that they finally said on their TV ad’s, that the free credit report is complimentary, with subscription. Why not just say that in the first place? With people ya’ll get a better reputation and sales success if ya’ll just say in your ads the real truth. With us at Dixie Towing/Southern Steele XPRESS , there is no claims being made that we as a company wont live up to, and nothing we don’t have to offer. There are never any claims being made that we can’t or wont do. Like a free tow and ride home on major holidays, like Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Christmas and New Years Eve. Our claim and we have lived up to it since we signed onto the program in 1989 when the TRAA set up the thing called T.O.W.E.D that is Eliminate.Drunk Driving. The thing is we are called to a bar, the person having had too much to drink , gets a free tow within a reasonable distance and ride home. Yes I have lost a few dollars that way, but at least we gained some brownie points with some local area law enforcement agencies. When we have our rates right on the dash board as well as on the sides of the trucks as to just what the call costs, that’s the price or rate we stick too. But few others will do that. In all we as a company have never said we charge this or offer that and the exceed that cost or not offer what we said on an ad. That may be the reason that Dixie Towing of Idaho/Southern Eagle Xpress is still in business after some nearly 30 years. There is no bait and switch in the way we do business. It’s like when I float an ad for models for promo gigs, many say I can’t pay. Wrong. Yes I make small money, but when I run an ad, I plan well in advance the project, figure out how much its going to cost me. But when a candidate has met all the requirements , does the job to its completion, I go, get a certified bank check and that person gets paid. Some will say no to that, but those who really know, knows I d what I say I will do. Unless I get sick with an illness or some other complication, you can bet your next touch and go, that it whatever it is, gets done. As I claimed it to being done. Then there are those that will claim that AyreWolf Aviation is a smoke and Mirrors front. But what you will not see on TV or elsewhere an ad for AyreWolf Aviation. You’ll only see that when I have all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed and real byrds flying. At least in Idaho. AyreWolf Aviation does do ads in Utah, because Cuzzin Gordon, does fly, dusting crops and killing insects there. Everything I have ever put on a ad for the company, can be verified if only one really shows up at the shack, or shop. My dad always told me never advertise anything you ain’t got to sell or offer, and I never have. No matter who might say otherwise.
Nuff sedd, but I can tell you I’ looking into and will send in the false claims to the FTC. With that there, and I’m sure some will cite my military service. Yes I signed up for enlistment in the Navy, because of an injury did not get accepted. And yes it is wrong that I say that I served in the USMC, but as far as the United Confederate States Marines, I proudly serve. I was appointed a Colonel by that organization and it has stuck. With all that said, I attempt to honor such people as My Dad, all 4 of my Uncles from the deep south, who served flying in defense of this nation, as well as real hero’s , like Pappy Boyington. The history of both ayrecraft and those who flew them needs to be preserved, and that is the main mission of the AyreWolvez. Additionally , can I fly yes. Do I fly with a FAA License, no. But that day is coming up rapidly. Do I own ayrecraft? Yes. They remain housed in Hangar 7 at the Bountiful SkyPark , West Bountiful Utah, next to where AyreWolf Aviation remains operational. Will AyreWolf Aviation come to Idaho? Maybe, but you’ll not see me putting that up on TV until we bring AyreWolf Aviation here to Idaho, and there are a bunch of If’s, to that happening. What you will see on a TV ad from me, is when you need a tow call me. Albeit in rigs that need serious attention cosmetic wise , but I can say I have never dropped or lost a tow. No do I have even one damage claim on any vehicle I have towed.
As one said the Truth will set you free. And as for those that unload the manure on SAMCRO , the Knytes even the AyreWolvez, all are very much real, and anyone that really pulls their heads out of their ass long enough to come to a meeting of one or anyone of our meetings will learn the clubs are very much real.
L8R Aviators
Hebrews 12:2“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |