Monday, May 10, 2010

Malware and other breaches can be bitches


Finally feeling full blood flow in leg hurray things looking up.

Was scanning my email , my Hotmail account, with two junk files showing. Now occasionally some of our talent both on air and visual send pics, resumes and such that are detected as junk mail but obviously are not, so I checked. What I saw was one dillweeds email that made no sense what so ever in its title that it was way to obvious of it being a attack to get some stupid to open it , thus flooding their computer with malware and creating a Bot , to infiltrate other computers. Hey dumb ass’s ya’ll cain’t quite fool ye ole AyreWolf that easy. But what about novice computer users. Oh don’t get me wrong , I damn well ain’t no expert on computers, shit I still have not snagged the skill of cut & paste yet, but falling for shit that’s going to kick my lil computer in its groin, is one skill I have managed to gain. That said, what about folks who do not have any computer program skills? Those who have one to send basic emails or watch TV online like I do much of the time at home. Some older folks that are in their senior years that have not mastered the master computer skills? Their ought to be an education course at least. With that said, the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association , have decided to do just that, for the benefit of both active, reserve, and reassigned(retired) Marine aviators, and their families. If the course is successful we will offer it to all military aviators and their families, no matter their branch of service. The course will be taught by two professors from CSI, as well as D-O-D, amongst others. Watch our stealth site for details. Which by the way will all be migrating to our own web site mid June, as Ning. is doing away with the freebees so if we need to pay, we take all we have on and move it to our own, something we own and can control. Watch here for details in the next few months. Finally this early morning, securing fx hq in Buhl, for and will be doing engineering on that in the next few weeks. Any flyte have a busy day menyanna so headed for the rack, see ya’ll mid afternoon.

L8R Aviators

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Ephesians 4:32“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

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Quote of the day:
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife. - Douglas Adams