Monday, June 14, 2010

Ya’ll just gotta love small kountry town life

Ayre Traffic Control Header MAIN IN THE WOLF'S EYES

Ya’ll just got to love small kountry town life. Would ya’ll know it just as I had climbed into the shower some construction outfit in installing our new sewer system, cuts a main water line that purtty much left the rest of the town parched, to say the least. I guess someone forgot to let the construction company in on the antiquated water supply system of Bliss Idaho. Now as I begin to look at both Bliss, what was Hazzard and most of Gooding County, I see the reasons that many forward thinking people as well as progress minded people are not in a big rush to move to dear sweet western Gooding County.(Remember, Hazzard County moved to southwest of Strevelle Malta). Now progress is one of those things that is hard to swaller by many in Idaho. No matter big city or quiet kountry town , many in Idaho , outside of Boise do not want the areas to grow, either in population or mind expansion. After all , don’t want anything of a radical, or rebellious thought moving here. The basic idea is what created the hate I got in GF, from many who didn’t even live in GF. This is just the tip of the fishing pond.  There are way too many people who do not want Idaho at least east and somewhat south of Boise to grow in technology as well as population. The mind sets are that if folks want growth go to Utah or elsewhere, not rural retirement village senior citizen Idaho.  If ya’ll want to farm fine, ya’ll come, anything else sezz get the fork out. Campaigns from Buy Idaho, to Buy Local and more go on TV all the time, problem is those buy local things are falling on deaf ears since there are no longer anywhere to buy the products or services. Its not just commerce either. Up near Blaine County, seems there is a fuss regarding the expansion of a new Airport there. The problem is many don’t want it in their back yard that is scenic as many who build there want it to be left that way, as well as the FAA is saying build new or we’re closing what ya’ll got, cain’t have both. What will this mean? Many of those who fly in for winter ski trips and recreation will fly into either Gooding’s Airport of Twin Falls ’s Airport. then drive by ground transport to Sun Valley. Many of them out of staters don’t want to drive by all those farms digging taters, so guess what, they be going elsewhere. But it’s not just the ski fans, nope, movie production firms that come into rub arms with Demi Moore, Bruce Willis , Aston Kercher and others to conceive new movie projects will march to Utah that has a better organized Film Commission. Too bad though, as when a major film moves in many including AyreWolf Aviation as well as Santini Air, make damn good money doing film work. Stunt flying etc. Car collectors and car clubs get a shot in the arm for supplying rides to depict a scene or era, and many people make money from doing walk on and working as Extra’s on a film project. But if they all make it hard for Hollywood to come to Idaho, Hollywood will reroute to Utah. Like I said ya’ll, ya’ll just got to love small kountry town life.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something. - Wilson Mizner
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”

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