Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Wind is still blowing, 9 pounds lost

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There are certain constants in the Universe. One is that no matter the time of year, through our small village called Bliss there will be a wind storm. Sometimes light, some real gusts but the wind still stirs the air. Two other communities that I have resided in have this same distinction. One is Springville Utah and the other Glenn’s Ferry Idaho. Springville is at the mouth of a canyon, so no mystery there . Anytime there is the opening of two major land masses there is going to be rushing air, namely wind. The same goes for Glenns Ferry, that also is the opening of two major land masses. Sometimes this can be a great benefit, such as lifting of the tarmac. The take off distance is better if you can get the headwind under the wings faster.

Finally getting over being pukey. Still there, just not as bad. The Doctor gave me two prescrips, to fill. One is Phenergan the other is a brand name anti nausea medicine. Had to get the no name generic version of the Phenergergan . The Doctor said, that if its not completely gone by Monday, next, the plan is to get me  floroscan in essence they run a micro cam down your throat to look and see just how much damage is done to my insides. Once done, the paper work goes to the Attorney, as I’m looking at suing the Skinny Pig and Ziggy’s for food poisoning. Let’s just say I’m owed.

Haven’t heard from Alliance, but that’s Friday’s snooping around. Got a boost in grub stamps, meaning food will go much further this Month. Last but not least. Its my birthday this month, the 27th to be exact. I’ll be one mark over a half century old. Shit I never ever thought I’d live this long and not accomplish more. Saw an image of myself this past week, that might change the course. One thing Cuzzin Bud sedd a long time ago, that I can’t gain altitude on my career or even personal goals if I keep up rooting and moving all the time, just due to the arrogance and ignorance of others. Let’s see I moved from Pocatello, Idaho, where I had a pretty good gig going on there at CH-12. Why? Because some butt maggot bikini bar bouncer was getting his jollies shitting on my projects. Wish I would have put two and two, together and done away with the problem, then I would never have had to relocate. Then there was being heckled in GF . But had not my landlord there went belly up and I HAD TO MOVE, I most likely would have stayed put.

At least with the sickness, I contracted from eating at the Skinny Pig, I did loose 9 pounds. So not doing too bad. I’m on a milk only diet. Yogurt is the only solid food I can intake.

L8R Aviators


Psalm 14:1“[For the director of music. Of David.] The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.”

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